【推薦】acer aspire S7-191 11.6吋觸控Ultrabook(i5-3317 ... 一體式纖薄機身設計/工藝鋁合金機身;快速開機/休眠待機可達80天/雙渦流散熱系統;11.6吋IPS超廣角10點觸控;第3代i5處理器;4GB DDR3 /128SSD/Win8.
Acer | Aspire S7 Quick and clear. With InstantGo, your Windows for Aspire S7 is responsive and always ready.3 It wakes up the moment you need it, with your apps and data ...
Acer Aspire S7-392 Ultrabook™ Gorilla® Glass 2 強固水晶構造. Acer 傲視所有對手,率先將Gorilla® Glass 2 應用在筆記型電腦強化構造設計上;其他競爭產品則僅將Gorilla Glass 2 當作裝飾。
【熱銷】acer Aspire S3-391香檳金輕薄Ultrabook (i5/Win 8 ... 1.5秒快速開機,2.5秒快速連網,輕1.35kg,薄1.3cm;長效電力可待機超過50天,連續使用6小時不斷電;Windows 8.
【推薦】acer aspire S7-391 13.3吋觸控Ultrabook(128SSD ... 康寧水晶上蓋/輕薄瑩白;快速開機/休眠待機可達80天/雙渦流散熱系統;13.3吋IPS超廣角10點觸控;第3代i5處理器;4GB DDR3/128SSD/Win8.
Acer Ultrabook Aspire S7 Price, Buy online Aspire S7, Australia Aspire S7 Ultrabook. The Acer Aspire S7 is a Windows 8 touch-enabled Ultrabook. Visit the Acer Store to ...
Acer Aspire S7 (2014) - Ultrabook Reviews - Laptop Mag If you want a laptop that packs both beauty and brawn, Acer's new Aspire S7-392-6807 ($1,399) is a strong contender. A refresh of last year's model, the gorgeous Windows 8.1 Ultrabook offers zippy Haswell performance and a new high-definition WQHD display
Acer Aspire V7 mainstream ultrabook - YouTube Video demo of the new Acer Aspire V7 ultrabooks from Acer press event in New York http://notebookitalia.it/acer-aspire-... --------------- SOCIAL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Notebo... Twitter: https://twitter.com/notebookitalia Google+: htt
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